Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Underpants Gnomes Do Not Exist!!

Today the kids were super cute!
Abby, who will be 2 next month, is learning to speak so well! She was talking to me on the phone today as I came home from work. She kept saying, "Hi Mama, Bye. Okay Bye. See ya!"
We ended up having a bunch of things to do, so we took the kids out to eat at a family-type restaurant. Surprisingly the kids were pretty well-behaved. We've taken the kids out to eat in a casual dining place only a handful of times since Abby came along.
So my husband, the comedian that he is, decided he would start talking to the kids about underpants gnomes, to which Ashton says (loudly, I might add...), "Daddy, underpants gnomes do not exist!!" She knows a lot for her 4 years!
I hope I don't hear any cries in the night about underpants gnomes...
Allen made us all laugh too. My husband was trying to tell me about some stuff he had been watching about some video gaming event, and my son told me that he saw a show that had, "...Yoga from Star Wars..." on it. It might be evident that we're not big into sci-fi movies...
As a mom, I am glad that there are some places that you can take your kids to eat where it's like practice for being well-behaved, places where it's not a crisis if they talk loudly or drop a fry on the floor, but isn't drive thru fare.

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